Results tagged “Apple TV” from AppleHound

Apple TV 2.0

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Apple TV 2.0

The Apple TV 2.0 update also known as 'Take 2' was released yesterday to many eager owners of the device.


Navigation is fast and easy. You start from a broad category like TV Shows and drill down by genres, TV network, or searching. Apple definitely understands what it takes to organize content.

Movie Rentals

The update brings with it the ability to rent movies directly from iTunes without requiring the use of a computer. Movie rental prices vary based on their age and video quality. Library titles (older movies) are $2.99 for standard definition and $3.99 for high definition. New releases (30 days after DVD release) are $3.99 for standard definition and $4.99 for high definition. These prices are decent but not as reasonable as the $1.00 Redbox new release rentals available down the street. The argument for the higher iTunes cost could be the bandwidth needed for Apple to transmit the video, though I'll bet it costs Redbox a decent amount for their rental machines and staff to distribute the discs at in each location. Apple TV wins the connivence game but misses on cost. The end result will likely be a mixed rental strategy based on selection, connivence, and access to less expensive options.

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Apple TV Future Looks Bright

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Apple TV

Many questions have been raised concerning the Apple TV, a product Steve Jobs described as a "hobby" at the All Things Digital conference. Jobs continued to explain "A lot of people have tried and failed to make that a business". This was viewed by many as a hint to the likely demise of the much admired product.

Recently rumors have started to emerge that suggest a strong future for the Apple TV. At the top of the list is movie rentals. AppleInsider posted recently confirmed details about $2-6 movie rentals coming to iTunes 7.6 at Macworld. It seems logical that you would also be able to stream, sync, or purchase the same movies from your Apple TV. Rentals of inexpensive, new release, DVD quality movies would surely help sell Apple TV's.